Cornerstone Church (411 East Main Street, Maiden NC 28650) is seeking a Full-time Children's Minister. This is a 40-hour per week salaried position caring for all children ages birth through 5th grade. Person will work with our Associate Pastor/Minister of Youth to provide a comprehensive, Biblically based, discipleship plan for our children. Supervision: person will report to the Senior Pastor. Cornerstone Church believes fully in the inerrancy of Scripture, ascribes to the 2000 BF&M; and does NOT endorse Calvinism/Reformed Theology. Interested candidates may send their resume (with cover letter/personal testimony) to Cornerstone Church, c/o Children's Minister Search, P.O. Box 726, Maiden NC 28650 or via email to: gdry@cornerstonelink.com
First Baptist Church, Lincolnton is looking for a Director of Student Ministry to join our ministry team. This team member will be responsible for maintaining and supervising a comprehensive program that ministers to our members in grades 6-12. This includes planning, implementing, overseeing, and evaluating the programs of the student ministry as it relates to the mission and objectives of First Baptist Church of Lincolnton. While maintaining the ministry, this individual will have the opportunity to introduce our young people to Christ, build supportive relationships, disciple them in their spiritual growth, and minister to both them and their families. We are open to looking at potential candidates who are seeking either full-time or part-time employment. Job description for each position can be found at https://bit.ly/FBCLincolntonFT (full-time) or https://bit.ly/FBCLincolntonPT (part-time) . Resumes or inquiries for either position can be sent to youth.ministry@fbclincolnton.org.
New Heights Baptist Church is hiring a part time youth pastor. Send resumes to pastoreliwilliams@aol.com.
Hulls Grove Baptist Church is looking for a part-time Music leader. Music is typically a blend of both traditional and contemporary. Please contact Travis Elmore at telmore@hullsgrove.org or 704-530-4627 for more information.
Risen Church is searching for a worship leader. Visit RisenChurchNC.org/worshipteam for more information, or contact Justin Houser (704-530-1728).
Boger City Baptist Church is seeking a part-time organist. Inquiries can be sent to Judi Grice at jgrice@bcbaptist.org
Lawing’s Chapel Baptist Church is seeking a part-time pianist. The position is a paid one and experience is preferred. If interested, please send your resume to personnel@lawingschapel.com or mail to Attn: Personnel, 4637 Lawing Chapel Church Road, Maiden, NC 28650.
Mt. Ruhama Baptist Church, Maiden, NC is seeking a permanent part-time pianist. Please call Carol Laney at (704)451-2101
Reepsville Baptist Church is seeking a part-time pianist. Inquiries and resumes can be sent to Andrea at andrea.garmon@gmail.com or call 704-530-9555 for more information.