Carefully read through the training document to familiarize yourself with the Block Party Trailer Protocol. You (your church) are responsible to operate the inflatables responsibly and within the standards expected by the state. Any fines incurred due to mis-operation are your responsibility.
After you have carefully read through the manual, please fill out & submit the training form for our records.
You will need to bring 2 checks by the mission center to reserve the trailer. $50 check to reserve ad $50 deposit. The deposit check will be returned upon completion of rental if everything checks out.
Step 1: Read Through Training Manual
Step 2: Fill out Training Form
Block Party Trailer Guidelines
You have just finished reading the Party Inflatables training by South Fork Baptist Association
Please read through the following guidelines and sign at the end to complete your training
1. The Block Party Trailer can ONLY be used for non-profit events by churches in the SFBA, any food given out of the trailer must be free, trailer cannot be used for fundraisers.
2. The trailer will be picked up and returned to the SFBA office at the specified times.
3. A person who will be attending the event where it will be used must come to pick up the trailer. When the trailer is picked up, this person will be instructed on how to use each machine and supplies in the trailer. (There is a notebook inside the trailer that explains how to use each machine.)
4. The trailer is not to be taken out of the South Fork Baptist Association area. (Check with us to see what is acceptable).
5. The inflatables must NOT BE SET UP IN HIGH WINDS.
6. IF HIGH WINDS OCCUR AFTER SET-UP-Please get children and workers off inflatable’s as soon as possible and wait for the wind to die down before continuing use.
7. The inflatables must NOT BE STOWED AWAY WET. (This causes mildew/mold.)
8. The church using the trailer and its equipment will be responsible for cleaning the equipment (following the cleanup instructions in the trailer) and putting it back in its place in the trailer. If the trailer is brought back without being cleaned up the church will be charged a cleanup fee and the $50 deposit retained.
9. Cleanup includes cleaning each machine used.
10. The trailer costs $100.00 per event ($50 of this is a refundable deposit that will be returned if the trailer and equipment is brought back in good condition.)
11. The trailer is to remain locked and in a secure area when not in use. (Tongue/hitch should be locked when not hooked to a vehicle to prevent theft.)
12. Any supplies and/or machines that are missing or damaged will be the sole responsibility of the church borrowing the trailer. The church will be responsible for replacing each missing or broken item. Inventory will be checked before the trailer leaves the Association and will be rechecked once the trailer is brought back.
13. The trailer/s will be supplied with the following items:
Instruction Manual
Registration and Emergency contact information (Sheet attached inside side door.)
One Spare Tire
Wheel chocks (Take chocks with you and return them with the trailer.)
Two Orange Safety Cones
Blower fans
One small plastic gas can
Extension cords (To run from generator to blower fan/s)
Ground Fault receptacle adapter/s
Large Metal Tie down stakes (Orange safety caps provided work on smaller stakes.)
3 lb. sledge hammer
Duct tape (several color rolls for temporary inflatable patch repairs.)
Four long yellow straps (For back portion of slide as tie downs)
Broom, mop & bucket (For cleanup as needed)
14. Important: Please make sure that those using either inflatable have removed all sharp objects from their pockets as these can damage and puncture the equipment. Thanks!